ENA Cisco Unified Communications Manager
White Papers
- Monitors of UCM configuration
- Retains polled readings for both interactive exploration and reporting purposes
- Gathers device pool, IP phone, Gateway, Gatekeeper, Voice-Mail device, Media device, CTIdevice and H.323 device inventory and inventory change details
- Generates events against UCM CPU utilization and UCM processes
The Entuity Network Analytics (ENA) Cisco Unified Communications Manager (UCM) module manages Cisco®Unified Communications Managers within the context of the overall network. Configuration change and UCM availability are monitored and alarmed. All UCM information is integrated within Entuity for reporting. The Entuity UCM Module can also be used as part of a VoIP solution.
Managing UCM as part of your Network
Cisco UCM is an IP telephony system, placing calls over the IT network. The UCM managed phones use the same IP network as other network services. The ENA CUCM module allows you to manage UCMs within the network infrastructure.
ENA manages UCMs as an application on a managed host device. These devices are not, by default, auto-discovered but must be added manually. Once added, UCM details are discovered and populated into Entuity.
UCM management conforms to the standard Entuity security model, with permissions being granted through View membership. This integration continues with inventory data & events being displayed within the WebUI, and data being available for Reports.

ENA manages a VOIP network through the integration of different management technologies.
How does ENA manage UCMs?
The ENA UCM Module is a full UCM SNMP integration, presenting all of the data in the UCM MIB including:
- Device pools (time zone, tftp servers, regions and inter-region bandwidths)
- IP phones, Gateways, Gatekeepers, Voice-Mail devices, Media devices, CTI devices, H.323 devices – configuration and status history
- Overall UCM status, e.g. number of each device type (registered, rejected, active, etc.), memory and CPU usage, uptime, process count
- UCM process monitoring, both CPU and memory
- Availability events for changes in managed device status
- Performance events with configurable thresholds
- Resource events for the UCM managed host.
ENA UCM Events
All events are generated via polling, although trap based UCM events can be incorporated using ENA’s extensible trap handling system. Threshold based events are configured with a system-wide default but can be overridden at the individual UCM, or UCM component level.
UCM Device Availability Events
ENA UCM monitors the registration to the UCM of CTI, gatekeepers, gateways, H.323, media and voicemail devices, raising events when registration succeeds or fails.
UCM Device Performance Events
ENA UCM raises events when UCM CPU utilization is high, or a process is holding too much memory.
UCM Managed Host Events
ENA manages hosts as devices, and device and port events are raised against hosts, e.g. port unavailability, device congestion. ENA also raises events against specific Managed Host information, e.g. disk space, CPU utilization, memory utilization.
Reporting on UCMs
The ENA UCM integrates with ENA’s existing reporting tools. UCMs are included to device reports, for example:
- Device Inventory and Device Module Inventory Reports. You can run these reports as inventory change reports, to identify UCM configuration change.
- SLA, Traffic, Fault and Inventory Interactive Queries.
All ENA UCM information is available for the ENA’s Drag and Drop Report builder allowing you to create your own reports.
ENA UCM Module Availability
The ENA UCM Module is available as an add-on license module. ENA runs on Windows Server 2008 (R2 and SP2) and Windows Server 2012, 64-bit; Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Oracle Linux, 64-bit; Microsoft Hyper-V Server, and VMware ESX/ESXi Server.
The ENA UCM Module allows:

ENA UCM Dashboard provides an at-a-glance way to monitor phone services.
- Monitoring of UCM configuration
- Retention of polled readings for both interactive exploration and reporting purposes
- Gathering of device pool, IP phone, Gateway, Gatekeeper, Voice-Mail device, Media device, CTI device and H.323 device inventory and inventory change details
- Events generated against UCM CPU utilization and UCM processes
- Monitoring of the UCM device performance, raising events when appropriate.